About Myself
My name is Niels Kammerer, I'm a student of Media Informatics at the LMU in Munich, Germany.
Aside from scavanging Nuka-Cola trucks in digital wastelands, I usually try to put my free time to some good creative work. There's always that handful of unfinished projects lying around and loads of ideas in the back of the mind, waiting to join the to-do stack.
This site is meant to be an online résumé/portfolio/showcase/sandbox for my most presentable work in Photography, Digital Art and Entertainment. It is also a tribute to Coca-Cola's fantastic corporate design, which decorates my desk and walls everywhere you look.
My programming experience consists of many hours of study for university classes, as well as projects created in ActionScript3, Java, Python and C++, both for classes and in private.
Most private projects are games, of course! The creative power of creating games is dizzying, and there are still endless aspects of it to explore!
If you want to get in touch, just send me a word: kontakt@kold-fusion.de
Any comments and critique are very much encouraged and appreciated, so feel free to drop a comment below!